
Find distributors, agents, franchisees, and end customers (B2B) in France through our renowned Matchmaking Program. NFCC is located in your target country, speaks the French language and is familiar with local customs.


The ideal solution to develop your network

  • Do you want to start or grow your business in France?
  • Are you looking for local business partners?
  • Have you tried to organise meetings, but don’t get anywhere?

The Netherlands France Chamber of Commerce is happy to support you in identifying and setting up meetings with potential business partners in France.



Thanks to NFCC, we successfully enter the French market. Their Matchmaking provides valuable networking opportunities, they show full dedication at trade shows and support us in making appointments with French customers.

Jaap Meijer Co-Founder | Comfective

A custom-made program



1. Identifying and selecting potential business partners

  • List of targeted companies

  • Company name

  • Short profile, website

  • Name contact person



2. Individual customised meeting program

  • Shortlist and individual meeting program

  • Targeted shortlist

  • Overview of responses from approached companies.


3. Support during meetings

  • Attendance of a French- speaking representative of NFCC during meetings.


How does it work?

Matchmaking consists of a three part- service where you choose the part(s) you need for support:



Pack 1

  1. Identifying and selecting potential business partners


Pack 2

  1. Identifying and selecting potential business partners

  2. Individual customised meeting program


Pack 3

  1. Identifying and selecting potential business partners

  2. Individual customised meeting program

  3. Support during meetings




You have a question about the Matchmaking Program?

Send a message to Ghalia Zebiri